Kumite Gi
Kumite Gi are light-weight Gis. While having Kumite Gis is not mandatory (a normal or heavy Gi are accepted), it is recommended for Kumite. Regardless of the type of Gi, this needs to be approved by the Federation organizing the competition.
WKF Events require WKF-Approved Gis (Red/Blue Shoulder embroidery). They forbid WUKF logos.
NKF Events require WKF-Approved Gis (Red/Blue embroidery) for Elite only
WUKF Events require WUKF-Approved Gis (White or Red/White). They forbid WKF logos.
AAU Events require white embroidery (or no embroidery) for Non-Elite (Recreational)
Any local or non-Elite division event does not require (and are flexible) to any WKF, Blank or WUKF approved gis, as long as shoulders are White.
There are many brands that are approved for WKF - so the models here are not the only ones you are allowed to pick.
WKF-Approved Kumite Gi (Red and Blue Shoulder)
Plain White Shoulders Gi
WUKF Kumite Gi (White Shoulders)
(the links below navigate to shops like Century Martial Arts or Amazon. However, you can buy the equipment from other places)